
Tax Compare Calculator


Compare tax in Old Regime to New Regime for financial year 2020-2021
[Coming Financial Year]

Tax Calculator for Resident Individuals FY 2020-21

Estimated Annual Income #
Less: Exemptions / Deductions*
[P Tax+Standar Deduction 50000
+ 8OC + Mediclaim
+ HBL Interst + etc]

Login to compare Taxes.

Tax Payable as per Old Regime
Tax Payable as per New Regime

    This calculator is only meant to provide a basic idea of the estimated impact of the new provisions.
    Refer to the Income Tax Provisions for the actual provisions and eligibility.
    All tax calculations (includes cess) are excluding Surcharge & Total Eligible Exemptions /
    Deductions are assumed to be Zero in New Regime
    # Not applicable for any Income with special rates
    * Deductions and Exemptions eligible as per Old regime
